Thursday, December 30, 2010


SUBJECT MATTER: Higher Education, Colleges
TITLE: Higher Education? How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids-And What We Can Do About It
AUTHORS: Andrew Hacker, Claudia Dreifus
PUBLISHER: Henry Holt and Company
COPYRIGHT: 2010, 271 pages
An incisive, wonderfully written indictment of higher education/college in the U.S. Discussion ranges from poor teaching, to exploding costs, to college coursework titles, etc. Think you would be better off going to an "Ivy League" school? Think again. According to these authors, you are more likely to get poor instruction at those so-called elite schools. A terrific read filled with humor, anecdotes, and solutions. Takes on the issue of: what is higher education really for?

1 comment: said...

Thank you, Coco: Andrew Hacker and I are very grateful for your enthusiastic review.

There's more about the book on our website,, where we'd love it if you left your review. We're been trying to use it to get discussions going among our readers. Best, Claudia D.